The Geneva Bible of 1559:
Translator: John Calvin revised the so-called Olivétan Bible of 1535.
Calvin was born in Noyon in Picardy in 1509 and died in Geneva in 1564. He also stayed in Basel and Strasbourg. This pastor and reformer was the cousin of Pierre Robert Olivétan. He was encouraged by Guillaume Farel to join the reform of the Church of Geneva. Calvin is also the author of the Christian Institution which is his life's work.
Impression : This bible was printed in Lyon in 1559 under the presses of Ian de Tournes. It is published with fine characters.
Translation : The text adopted for this printing by the printer Ian de Tournes is that of the Geneva Bible of 1553 used by Robert Etienne.
For the Old Testament, this is the 2nd revision made by John Calvin of the Olivétan Bible. For the New Testament this is its 4th revision.