Our confession of faith :
Here's what we believe.
We believe in one God, existing from all eternity in three persons, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, Creator of Heaven and Earth, of all things visible and invisible, revealed in Jesus Christ the only Son, through the Scriptures.
Biblical references:
1 Corinthians chapter 8 verse 6, Colossians ch.1 v. 16, Hebrews ch.1 v. 2, Matthew ch. 28 v. 19, 2 Corinthians ch. 13 v. 1.
We believe in Jesus Christ, the only Son, God manifested in flesh, born from a virgin, Mary of Nazareth, begotten by the power of the Holy Spirit, come from the Father with divine nature and sinless human nature. He died crucified for the fulfillment of the Scriptures and according to God's established purpose.
We believe in the sacrifice of his perfect life offered once and for all on the cross and by which we have forgiveness of our sins, reconciliation with God, so that we have eternal life.
We believe in his resurrection from the dead on the morning of the 3rd day, in his bodily ascension to his Father, in his supreme authority and in his mediation with the Father on behalf of men. We believe that Jesus Christ will appear a second time to bring the Church into His eternal Kingdom, to resurrect all men and to judge the living and the dead, no one knows the day and hour of His coming.
Biblical references:
Galatians chapter 4 verse 4, Philippians ch. 2 v. 6-11, 2 Corinthians ch. 5 v. 19, Romans ch. 8 v. 34, 1 Thessalonians ch. 4 v. 16, Matthew ch. 24 v. 30-36.
We believe in the Holy Spirit, the sovereign presence of God who inspired the prophets and apostles of the Bible. He remains in the believer to reveal to him in Jesus, the Father's messenger, the truths of Scripture and to communicate to him love, wisdom and peace.
We believe that the baptism in the Holy Spirit is a promise for Christians of all centuries; it is given by the Father and the Son and it is manifested among other gifts by "speaking in tongues" as on the day of Pentecost, according to the New Testament.
We believe that the baptism in the Holy Spirit is a grace which edifies the Church in its piety and gives it strength for its mission: "to announce the Gospel to all nations". We believe in the spiritual gifts (or charisms) cited in the Scriptures and which the Holy Spirit grants to the Church, to help and edify it.
We believe that the gifts of the Holy Spirit are to be exercised in the Church, according to the dignity and order commanded by the New Testament. Baptism in the Holy Spirit and the various spiritual gifts leave the believers who manifest them masters and responsible for themselves and they never encourage extravagance, behavior or teachings contrary to Scripture.
Biblical references:
John chapter 16 verses 13-15, Galatians ch. 5 v. 22, Acts ch. 2 v. 4-8 and 38-39, Acts ch. 1 v. 8, 1 Corinthians ch. 14.
We believe that every human being can be forgiven of their sins and be declared thus righteous before God and this by the grace of God alone which we receive through faith alone in Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
We believe that every man, justified by faith, is given the opportunity to turn from his sins and live a holy and pure life through the action of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God indwelling in him.
We believe that baptism, ordered by Jesus Christ, - meaning, by immersion: death and resurrection -, is the testimony of faith, of free commitment to Jesus Christ and his Word and of the passage from death spiritual to a new life in God.
Biblical references:
Acts of the Apostles chapter 26 verse 18, Ephesians ch. 2 v. 8, 1 Peter ch. 1 v. 15-23, Romans ch. 6 v. 4, 1 Peter ch. 3 v. 21.
We believe that the Scriptures, consisting of the sixty-six books of the Old and New Testaments, are the Word of God. They derive their inspiration and authority from God alone. They are infallible and the only standard for the life and faith of the Church.
It follows that neither customs, nor decrees, nor visions, nor miracles, nor any other revelation, nor tradition can modify or complete the Scriptures. All things must be examined, regulated and reformed according to the Scriptures which contain everything necessary for the salvation and edification of the Church.
Biblical references:
2 Timothy chapter 3 verses 15-17, 2 Peter ch. 1 v. 20-21,1 Corinthians ch. 15 v. 1-2.
We believe that the Church is the Assembly of believers who keep the faith in Jesus Christ, the testimony and the teaching of the apostles.
We believe that the Church is built by Jesus Christ, its Supreme Head. Its servants are responsible for teaching it, so that it may bear witness to faith, hope and love to the men and women of this world, through the presence of God.
We believe that the local Church is the visible expression of the universal Church which is the body of Christ and which cannot be delimited by the religious denominations of Christianity. Through its Assemblies around the Holy Scriptures, it is edified and realizes its unity of faith, its life of piety and its missionary vocation.
We believe that the Last Supper, instituted by Jesus Christ, must be perpetuated in the Church until his advent, with bread and wine, in memory of his atoning death as a sign of communion with Christ the Savior, as celebration and thanksgiving for the love of God the Father.
We believe that prayer for the healing of the sick is a mission of the Church that is associated with the preaching of the Gospel. This prayer can be accompanied by the symbolic gestures of the laying on of hands and the anointing of oil, according to the teachings of Jesus Christ. Without opposing it to medicine and without fanaticism, we believe that prayer for the sick and the afflicted always has its place in the proclamation of the Gospel of the compassionate God.
Biblical references:
Acts of the Apostles chapter 2 verses 41-42, Ephesians ch. 4 v. 11-15, Matthew ch. 26 v. 26-29, 1 Corinthians ch. 10 v. 16-17, Mark ch. 16 v. 15-18, James ch. 5 v. 14.
We believe that man and woman were created by God in his image and likeness. The human being, created pure and innocent, fell into sin through willful transgression, also fell into disobedience under the influence of Satan and all humanity has distanced itself from God and remains under the domination of sin and in condemnation.
We believe that human beings are loved by God and that they are called to change their lives and to convert in order to re-establish a true and just relationship with God and their neighbor.
We believe in the dignity of life and the human body, of marriage and the family, of education and work, as proclaimed and protected by the commandments of God.
Biblical references:
Genesis chapter 1 verse 26, Genesis ch. 3 v. 17, Romans ch. 5 v. 12, Acts ch. 3 v. 19, Hebrews ch. 13 v. 4, Ephesians ch. 6 v. 1 to 4.
We believe that those who die with faith in Jesus Christ are with the Lord upon death, awaiting the resurrection.
We believe in the resurrection of all humans and the final judgment. Those who believe in Jesus Christ will live forever in the Kingdom of God. Those who rebel against God will suffer the eternal punishment described in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Biblical references:
Luke chapter 23 verse 43, 2 Corinthians ch. 5 v. 1 to 10, 1 Corinthians ch. 15 v. 42 to 44, Revelation ch. 20 v. 11 to 15.