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Our meetings :

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Culte sur page Nos réunions

Sunday morning from 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. : We offer the translation to English.

Worship is a very important moment of sharing and fraternal communion. During the time of the service we express our gratitude to our God for the benefits he grants us and we edify ourselves together through his word. 

Activities for children and young people are organized periodically.

Wednesday evening from 7:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., Bible studies/prayer meetings :

Every other Wednesday we encourage each other around a Bible study. The studies are a friendly and edifying sharing, in simplicity, around a theme, a book of the Bible or any other subject which helps us to understand the riches, the stories, the context, the history of the word of God.

The following Wednesday evening we have a prayer meeting. During this meeting we share and pray for subjects that are close to our hearts (our region, our families, etc.). It is also an opportunity to support each other by praying for the difficulties that we all encounter during our lives and which we wish to share freely anddiscretion.

Once a month, we organize a sharing meeting at a church member's home, in order to facilitate the integration of new members, to build  and strengthen the bonds between us.

If you would like more information or simply to meet us, you can contact us at 0766528208.

Réunion du mercredi
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